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  • Writer's pictureNyla Coils

Adventures in Loan Signing

Take Your Shoes Off

As a Loan Signing Agent, you will visit the homes of various cultures. It is customary for some cultures, to require that you take your shoes off in their homes.

This has happened to me twice, so far.

I remember the first time very vividly, rightly so, it was the FIRST TIME.

Here's the scene:

It was a rainy day in South Carolina (attorney state).

I was the witness. Being punctual, I arrived a few minutes earlier than the appointment time.

The homeowners were not at home. Next thing I know, a van whips around the corner, it's the homeowner. The attorney and I jump out of our cars. As we are approaching the homeowner, the attorney introduces us.

She is smiling at us , while she is removing her shoes.

I then say, "Do you want us to take our shoes off?"

She smiles... doesn't really answer. The attorney looks at me. Then, he repeats the question. The homeowner just nods at this time.

I say, "Well, I have some shoe covers, is that Ok?

The attorney says...'Marcy, Do you have some for me?'

Yes, i was a boy scout mom, Always be Prepared.

Do you have shoe covers in your notary bag?

They are less than $10 on AMAZON .

The attorney later told me that he bought some because, just going in different houses and walking on sticky floors was all the reason, he needed to have these in the car!

Grab yours, TODAY! Click on Amazon.

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